
Shirodhara is one of the excellent therapy of panchakarma. This therapy is useful for the treatment of several diseases. Diseases connected with the head, neck, eyes, ears, nose, and nervous system are treated successfully. Shirodhara may begin with a full body massage known as Abhyangam. It also involves a head massage.

In this therapy, medicated oil or milk or buttermilk, etc. are used. Then it is poured on the forehead between the eyebrows. The patient is, made to lie on his back on the Shirodhara table. Medicated oil used according to the disease. Om chanting or some pleasant instrumental music going on till complete treatment carried out. After that, a continuous stream of oil has poured on the patient forehead.

Depend upon the nature of the disease, this therapy recommended for Seven days or Eleven days or Twenty-one days.

There are several forms of Shirodhara- Ksheeradhara, Thakradhara, Taildhara, and Jaladhara.

  • Ksheeradhara – Continuous flow of lukewarm medicated milk poured over the forehead for a particular duration of time. Ksheera Dhara enhances the blood circulation of the body. It also helps in lubricating the joints, relieving pain, spasms. Similarly for the stiffness of the muscles and joints.
  • Thakradhara – Constant stream of medicated buttermilk poured over the forehead in a specific manner. Thakradhara is used to reduce stress and hypertension. Also helps in the reduced symptom of psoriasis.
  • Tailadhara – Continuous flow of medicated oil poured over the head for a specific period. Taila Dhara is majorly useful in rheumatic complaints, arthritis, depression, and paralysis.
  • Jaladhara – Constant flow of aqueous formulation over the forehead has poured for a specific period. With that, coconut water used as a main ingredient in the process. It used to treat conditions related to pitta dosha imbalance.


  1. Help to cures long-standing Insomnia, Anxiety, Depression.
  2. It cures headaches and migraines.
  3. Get relief from High blood pressure, Hypertension.
  4. It stops Greying of hair, Arrest’s hair fall.
  5. Effective in Infertility treatment.
  6. Sense organ becomes sharper and works effectively.
  7. Induce sound sleep & happiness.
  8. Rejuvenate the mind and body.
  9. Hair becomes black, long, and deep-rooted.